What is a TIN Number and How to Find Yours
Whether you’re a seasoned taxpayer or just getting started, you might have come across the term “Tax Identification Number” or TIN. But what exactly is a TIN, and why is it important? In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about TINs, including how to find your own TIN and a detailed list of TINs for countries around the world.
What is a TIN Number?
A Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier assigned by a government to track taxpayers for tax purposes. This number is used by tax authorities to manage tax records and ensure compliance with tax regulations. TINs can be required for various financial activities, including filing tax returns, applying for loans, and setting up bank accounts.
Why Do You Need a TIN?
Here are some key reasons why a TIN is essential:
- Tax Filing: A TIN is required for filing your tax returns. It ensures that your tax records are correctly attributed to you.
- Employment: Employers may need your TIN to withhold the correct amount of tax from your paycheck.
- Financial Transactions: You might need a TIN for various financial transactions, such as opening a bank account or applying for credit.
- Government Services: A TIN is often required for accessing government services and benefits.
How to Find Your TIN Number
Finding your TIN number can vary depending on your country. Here’s a general guide on how to locate it:
1. Check Your Tax Documents
Look for any official tax documents you’ve received. Your TIN is often listed on:
- Tax Returns: Your TIN will be on your most recent tax return.
- Tax Notices: Any correspondence from your tax authority may include your TIN.
- Tax ID Cards: Some countries issue physical ID cards with your TIN.
2. Visit Your Country’s Tax Authority Website
Most tax authorities have websites where you can find information about TINs and access online services. You may be able to view or request your TIN through these sites.
3. Contact Your Tax Authority
If you cannot find your TIN through documents or online, contact your local tax authority. They can help you retrieve your TIN after verifying your identity.
4. Check with Your Employer or Financial Institution
If you’ve recently started a job or opened a bank account, your TIN might be listed in the documents provided by your employer or financial institution.
TINs Around the World
To help you find your TIN based on your location, we’ve compiled a list of TINs and their common names from various countries. Here’s a comprehensive table for your reference:
Country | Tax Identification Number (TIN) | Abbreviation | Common Name |
Afghanistan | TIN | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Albania | Numri i Identifikimit të Personit | ID Number | Personal Identification Number |
Algeria | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale (NIF) | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Andorra | Número de Identificació Tributària | NRT | Tax Identification Number |
Angola | Número de Identificação de Contribuinte | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Antigua and Barbuda | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Argentina | Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria (CUIT) | CUIT | Tax Identification Number |
Armenia | Հարկային ինքնությանը | Tax ID | Tax Identification Number |
Australia | Tax File Number | TFN | Tax File Number |
Austria | Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer | Steuer-ID | Tax Identification Number |
Azerbaijan | Vergi Mükəllifi Vəsiqəsi | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Bahamas | National Insurance Number | NIN | National Insurance Number |
Bahrain | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Bangladesh | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Barbados | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Belarus | УНП (Унифицированный Номер Плательщика) | UIN | Unified Taxpayer Number |
Belgium | Rijksregisternummer | RR Number | National Register Number |
Belize | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Benin | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Bhutan | TIN | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Bolivia | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | JMBG (Jedinstveni Matični Broj Građana) | JMBG | Personal Identification Number |
Botswana | Botswana Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Brazil | Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) | CPF | Individual Taxpayer Registry |
Brunei | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Bulgaria | Единен идентификационен номер (ЕИК) | EIK | Unified Identification Code |
Burkina Faso | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale (NIF) | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Burundi | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale (NIF) | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Cabo Verde | Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Cambodia | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Cameroon | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale (NIF) | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Canada | Social Insurance Number | SIN | Social Insurance Number |
Central African Republic | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Chad | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Chile | Rol Único Tributario | RUT | Unique Tax Roll Number |
China | 个人所得税纳税人识别号 (PIT Tax ID) | PIT Tax ID | Personal Income Tax Number |
Colombia | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Comoros | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Congo, Republic of the | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Costa Rica | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Croatia | OIB (Osobni Identifikacijski Broj) | OIB | Personal Identification Number |
Cuba | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Cyprus | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Czech Republic | Daňové Identifikační Číslo | DIČ | Tax Identification Number |
Denmark | CPR Number | CPR | Civil Registration Number |
Djibouti | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Dominica | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Dominican Republic | Registro Nacional de Contribuyentes | RNC | National Taxpayer Registry |
Ecuador | Número de Registro Tributario | RUC | Taxpayer Registration Number |
Egypt | الرقم القومي (National ID Number) | NID | National Identification Number |
El Salvador | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Equatorial Guinea | Número de Identificación Fiscal | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Eritrea | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Estonia | Isikukood | IK | Personal Identification Code |
Eswatini | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Ethiopia | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Fiji | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Finland | Henkilötunnus | HT | Personal Identity Code |
France | Numéro d’Inscription au Répertoire des Entreprises | SIREN | SIREN Number |
Gabon | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Gambia | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Georgia | 개인 식별 번호 | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Germany | Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer | Steuer-ID | Tax Identification Number |
Ghana | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Greece | Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου | AFM | Tax Identification Number |
Grenada | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Guatemala | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Guinea | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Guinea-Bissau | Número de Identificação Fiscal | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Guyana | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Haiti | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Honduras | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Hungary | Adóazonosító jel | Tax ID | Tax Identification Number |
Iceland | Kennitala | KT | National ID Number |
India | Permanent Account Number | PAN | Permanent Account Number |
Indonesia | Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak | NPWP | Taxpayer Identification Number |
Iran | کد ملی (National ID Code) | National ID Number | National Identification Number |
Iraq | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Ireland | Personal Public Service Number | PPS Number | Personal Public Service Number |
Israel | מספר תעודת זהות (ID Number) | ID Number | Identity Card Number |
Italy | Codice Fiscale | CF | Tax Code |
Jamaica | Taxpayer Registration Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Japan | マイナンバー (My Number) | My Number | Individual Number |
Jordan | رقم التعريف الضريبي | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Kazakhstan | Ідентификационный номер | IIN | Individual Identification Number |
Kenya | Personal Identification Number | KRA PIN | Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number |
Kiribati | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Korea, North | 주민등록번호 | Jumin Number | Resident Registration Number |
Korea, South | 주민등록번호 | Jumin Number | Resident Registration Number |
Kosovo | Numri i Identifikimit të Personit | ID Number | Personal Identification Number |
Kuwait | Civil ID | Civil ID | Civil Identification Number |
Kyrgyzstan | Идентификационный номер | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Laos | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Latvia | Personas kods | Personal Code | Personal Identification Code |
Lebanon | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Lesotho | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Liberia | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Libya | الرقم الضريبي (Tax Number) | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Liechtenstein | AHV-Nummer | AHV | Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Number |
Lithuania | Asmens kodas | ID Code | Personal Code |
Luxembourg | Numéro de Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés | RCC Number | Business Registration Number |
Madagascar | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Malawi | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Malaysia | Number Pengenalan Malaysia | NRIC | National Registration Identity Card |
Malta | Personal Identification Number | ID Number | National Identification Number |
Marshall Islands | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Mauritania | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Mauritius | National Identification Number | NIC | National Identification Card Number |
Mexico | Registro Federal de Contribuyentes | RFC | Federal Taxpayers Registry |
Micronesia | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Moldova | Codul de Identificare Fiscală | CIF | Tax Identification Code |
Monaco | Numéro d’Immatriculation des Entreprises | SIREN | SIREN Number |
Mongolia | Татварын төлөгчийн дугаар | TIN | Taxpayer Identification Number |
Montenegro | PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj) | PIB | Tax Identification Number |
Morocco | Identifiant Fiscal | IF | Tax Identification Number |
Mozambique | Número de Identificação Tributária | NUIT | Tax Identification Number |
Myanmar | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Namibia | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Nauru | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Nepal | Permanent Account Number | PAN | Permanent Account Number |
Netherlands | Burgerservicenummer | BSN | Citizen Service Number |
New Zealand | Inland Revenue Number | IRD Number | Inland Revenue Department Number |
Nicaragua | Número de Identificación Tributaria | NIT | Tax Identification Number |
Niger | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Nigeria | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
North Macedonia | Единствен матичен број | EMBS | Unique Master Citizen Number |
Norway | Fødselsnummer | FN | Birth Number |
Oman | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Pakistan | National Tax Number | NTN | National Tax Number |
Palau | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Palestine | الرقم الضريبي (Tax Number) | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Panama | Número de RUC | RUC | Taxpayer Registration Number |
Papua New Guinea | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Paraguay | Registro Único de Contribuyentes | RUC | Unique Taxpayer Registry |
Peru | Registro Único de Contribuyentes | RUC | Unique Taxpayer Registry |
Philippines | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Poland | Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej | NIP | Tax Identification Number |
Portugal | Número de Identificação Fiscal | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Qatar | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Romania | Cod de Identificare Fiscala | CIF | Tax Identification Code |
Russia | ИНН (Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика) | INN | Tax Identification Number |
Rwanda | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Saint Lucia | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Samoa | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
San Marino | Codice Fiscale | CF | Tax Code |
Sao Tome and Principe | Número de Identificação Fiscal | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Saudi Arabia | رقم الهوية الوطنية (National ID Number) | National ID Number | National Identification Number |
Senegal | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Serbia | PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj) | PIB | Tax Identification Number |
Seychelles | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Sierra Leone | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Singapore | National Registration Identity Card Number | NRIC | National Registration Identity Card Number |
Slovakia | Daňové Identifikačné Číslo | DIČ | Tax Identification Number |
Slovenia | Davčna številka | Tax ID | Tax Identification Number |
Solomon Islands | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Somalia | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
South Africa | South African ID Number | SA ID | Identity Number |
South Sudan | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Spain | Número de Identificación de Extranjero | NIE | Foreigner Identification Number |
Sri Lanka | National Identity Card Number | NIC | National Identity Card |
Sudan | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Suriname | SoFi Number | SoFi Number | Social Fiscal Number |
Sweden | Personnummer | PN | Personal Identity Number |
Switzerland | AHV-Nummer | AHV | Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Number |
Syria | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Taiwan | 統一編號 (Unified Business Number) | TIN | Unified Business Number |
Tajikistan | Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Tanzania | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Thailand | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Timor-Leste | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Togo | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Tonga | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Trinidad and Tobago | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Tunisia | Numéro d’Identification Fiscale | NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Turkey | Vergi Kimlik Numarası | VKN | Tax Identification Number |
Turkmenistan | СТН (Серийный налоговый номер) | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Tuvalu | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Uganda | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Ukraine | Ідентифікаційний код | TIN | Tax Identification Code |
United Arab Emirates | Tax Registration Number | TRN | Tax Registration Number |
United Kingdom | National Insurance Number | NI Number | National Insurance Number |
United States | Social Security Number | SSN | Social Security Number |
Uruguay | Registro Único Tributario | RUT | Unique Taxpayer Registry |
Uzbekistan | Individual Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Vanuatu | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Vatican City | Codice Fiscale | CF | Tax Code |
Venezuela | Registro de Información Fiscal | RIF | Tax Information Registry |
Vietnam | Mã số thuế | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Yemen | Tax Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Zambia | Taxpayer Identification Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |
Zimbabwe | Taxpayer Registration Number | TIN | Tax Identification Number |