The People Oriented Forex Group
Let’s talk about the value of focused, personalized customer service. I’m Arif Alexander, Founder and CEO of Scandinavian Capital Markets, and when I look at the current state of the Forex and currency markets, I feel optimistic. That’s because I believe all market climates offer options for growth and success. Even in times of volatility and uncertainty, there are advantageous trading opportunities; as long as you know where to look.But before you can begin your journey, you need a solid roadmap and an experienced, trusted guide. Just as the sunstone guided Viking ships safely through treacherous waters during medieval times, Scandinavian Capital Markets is here to be your trusted guide in the Forex market.
People over Profit
When it comes to exploring the investment opportunities of the foreign exchange market, I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and mislead. It’s frustrating when the very people you turn to for guidance only see you as another resource to exploit. I think there’s a better way to do business: by focusing on people rather than profit.
It’s all about trust and transparency.
When it comes to operating on a global scale, integrity and reliability are the cornerstones of every partnership. Every transaction carries risk, so it’s essential you develop relationships built on transparency and experience. You need someone at your side who understands the big picture but is also well-versed in the intricacies of your individual situation.
Scandinavian Capital Markets operates on three basic principles: transparency, fairness, and generous profit share.
Our team includes an international staff well-versed in currency trading, financial markets, institutional trading and risk management strategies. Our experts have worked with some of the world’s largest Tier-1 investment banks, including Lloyds TSB London, Barclays, Citigroup, and GE Capital Bank. We’re an independently-run operation located in Stockholm, Sweden – in the heart of the Scandinavia, a place where you can rely on stability yet find freedom from the strictures of ESMA. We’re not a monolithic financial institution, and we don’t participate in monopolies or try to game the system. With a world-class team of management and analysis professionals and a proven track record, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer service and building mutually beneficial partnerships with our clients.
Our success comes not just from what we know but from our ability to forge long-standing relationships and comprehensive, customized solutions. Consistency breeds loyalty and our roster of successful clients are a testament to our ability to not just hit the mark but exceed expectations both in portfolio growth and customer service.
A New Type of Brokerage: Combining Innovation and Superior Client Services
We stand apart from traditional forex brokerage houses by the way we use technology to provide our clients with a proven high-performance foreign exchange platform along with world-class customer service and support. It all starts with Scandex, our intelligent exchange trading platform that uses agile programming methodologies, automated trade reconciliation, smart trade match routing to mitigate risk to create a high-performance foreign exchange platform. With Scandex, money managers get access to a proven, high-performance foreign exchange platform that takes the industry standard Trade Copier & PAMM / IB Suites and adapts them to better meet end-user and market needs.
Our MAM (Multi Account Manager) feature provides a flexible system that allows sub-allocated trades under the master account so money managers can execute block orders quickly for their investors, while still taking advantage of the flexibility of being able to modify their account size, amount of lots, and make adjustments based on the risk profile of their investors. If you are a money manager responsible for multiple accounts, the MetaTrader 4 add-on allows you to conduct trades from a single MetaTrader 4 client, and with centralized processing, you can ensure no delay between each trade with one-click trade execution. The combination of Multi Account Management and the Scandex platform allows us to tap into the power of the latest intelligent exchange technologies to provide our clients with a full-featured back-office to manage risk, trade activities, positions, and settlements.
It’s About Trust and Transparency
When I helped found Scandinavian Capital Markets, I decided to create a business that operated differently from a typical FX broker. In my experience, communication is an essential aspect of any good business relationship, and so I built this company upon a foundation of honesty and responsiveness. Our clients will be able to speak to a live person upon request, and instead of dismissing or ignoring customer issues, we will work with our traders to turn every complication into an opportunity by finding out what went wrong and then working together to find the right solution. We understand complaints are most often the result of a misunderstanding, and our team will work with you to make sure all your concerns are addressed quickly and effectively.
On the Road to Success
Our market philosophy is based on the perception that all market climates offer the options of growth and success. We understand your challenges, fears, and concerns, and we are ready to work with you to find the right investment solution to help you not just succeed, but thrive. At Scandinavian Capital Markets, we go the extra mile to help our clients. The foreign exchange market is a vast landscape full of promise, and a successful journey doesn’t mean you have to forgo people for profit. We will guide you every step of the way, from opening up your account to making your first forex trade. Our people make us great, and our clients are our most valued resource.