Commodities contract specifications

This list is for reference only. Please log in to the platform for the most up-to-date information.

Currency Pair Margin Contract size Minimum size Edit
UKOIL (Brent) 1.00% 1,000 0.10 Trade, UKOIL (Brent)
USOIL (WTI) 1.00% 1,000 0.10 Trade, USOIL (WTI)
USNGAS 1.00% 1,000 0.10 Trade, USNGAS
XAGEUR 1.00% 5,000 50 Trade, XAGEUR
XAGUSD 1.00% 5,000 50 Trade, XAGUSD
XAUAUD 1.00% 100 1 Trade, XAUAUD
XAUEUR 1.00% 100 1 Trade, XAUEUR
XAUUSD 1.00% 100 1 Trade, XAUUSD
XPDUSD 1.00% 100 1 Trade, XPDUSD
XPTUSD 1.00% 100 1 Trade, XPTUSD